Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Saw Venus the other night

Love. love. love the night sky.

Later on this month, Uranus is to be visible close to Venus. Hope I'm situated where I can see it!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Had to keep the stitches in longer than originally told but they are gone now and I can get on with my life.  Really difficult not having use of the finger (couldn't type, couldn't cut material or sew).

Wednesday, March 07, 2018


Cleaning a very sharp knife and I sliced my finger.  Had to get stitches. That did not bother me.  The shot to numb the area did. Well, the needle carrying the numbing solution.  I hate needles. A LOT.  I didn't marry this man because, back in the day, the state required blood tests and I weighed my dislike of needles against my like for him.

It is rumored that Al Capone didn't like needles, and that he died from syphilis because he refused treatment via needles.

Anyway, for a little over a week my life is going to be a tad difficult without that operational pinkie.