Good morning, Gwendolyn. Welcome to class. I understand you are seeking to learn about love.
Well, first lesson. Love doesn't care about appearance or status.
Oh, that I know.
Really? It doesn't appear that you do, or perhaps you don't act on your knowledge.
I'm not sure what you mean.
The other day you made a post about former classmates of yours.
Oh, yeah, the guys I saw at the 20th reunion.
You said one had gained waight and lost hair and that the other had been a "geek."
Uh huh.
Did you have a chance to speak to them?
Yes I did.
And were they the same as you remembered them?
The essence of them hadn't changed.
You've worked with the dying and you noted that the bodies of the deceased that you've attended to don't bear much resemblence to the person you knew.
Yeah. It's like what makes a person alive is his or her soul, essence, personality.
So what a person looks like doesn't matter?
No. . . oh, I see what you're getting at.
Yes, I think you do. Love sees with eyes from the heart. Gaining weight or losing hair or having a profession that society values is not what makes a person. Loving someone isn't based on these things.
Remember too that words have power. You of all people know that. Before you say something, make it meet three things. Was it necessary?
Well, not to make excuses, but I needed to say it to make a point.
Second thing, is it true?
Okay, what I said was true. You have to give me that.
FIne, I'll give you that. But the final criteria your words must meet: are they kind?
Were they kind, Gwendolyn?
No. Sorry.
That's okay. You have to swim upstream in this society that places so much emphasis on looks, money, status.
Am I going to have to sit in the corner and wear that pointy hat that says 'dunce?'
No. Learning sometimes involves pain, but it shouldn't be humiliating. But since you have to retrain your thoughts and because repetition is the best way, you do have to take this chalk and write one gazillion times "I can only see clearly from a loving heart. "
I can only see clearly from a loving heartI can only see clearly from a loving heartI can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heartI can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heartI can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart I can only see clearly from a loving heart
Spank Thyself.
Well, seeing your pic I'd offer to do it, but there's the whole 'getting to know you' thingy, and geography, so . . . LOL
LOL indeed;-)
Nice Winky.
Tease :-p
:-p yourself
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