Friday, September 12, 2008

I really don't want to talk much more politics

but . . .

if John McCain won, Sarah Palin could resign from the office of vp, couldn't she?

She could step down now, citing her family's needs and such and no one would be really upset. It would probably be seen as a very supportive thing to do.

But she could do the very same thing AFTER a GOP win, right?

I've got to stop thinking on this, but I really think John McCain's trying to pull a fast one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would she?

This strikes me a similar to the theories that folks posited about Cheny stepping down due to 'health reasons' after Bush's re-election. The thought was that Condi would step up to VP, to position her for a run at the Presidency this term.

Well, we see how that all worked out.

Maybe Toonces will be appointed as next VP?