Saturday, January 06, 2007


Got the work schedule I want so I can create a regular writing schedule alongside the school schedule. Classes are in time blocks and I need to decide if I'm going in the morning, afternoon or evening.

In a fiction book, perhaps the Butler one, I read that one should write as soon as one wakes up because you're still connected to the dream world/unconscious, though that idea I'd read before in a writing book during my graduate school days. I'm not a morning person, but I could (and have) gotten up to write, still I think I'd like to go to school and be done with it and have the day at home to write and do whatever. Don't know -- have 23 days to decide.

Anyway, I've got more leeway in my life than I've had in a very long time and I'm so ready to create the space--physical, pyschologically and emotionally-- to be the most creative I can be.

And on that note, it's off to work on stories.

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