"Too Human," which appeared in a print journal will be reprinted online in Kaleidowhirl. A micro (I'm so glad was) rejected is now off to a contest and the other reject gave me opportunity to rethink the work 'cause it needed some tightening. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to send it somewhere just to be sure it's ready.
I will be in San Antonio reading on Feb. 11. It is something of a paying gig:) Also following yet another reading possibility.
I mentioned before how I wanted to turn this short story about a drug addict who falls for a drug dealer into a short novel, The story is "Angel Wings" -- a former NY police officer is going to show me around Brooklyn and help me out on that end when I get to NY (I met him on a previous NY trip) and the FBI agent is going to help me about the part with running guns across the US/Mexico border. Today I was talking to this guy and he said he was from Brooklyn and I said, "Oh, I might be asking you for information 'cause I've got this book about this addict who falls for a drug dealer and he's supposed to be from Brooklyn and the guy says, "What a coincidence-- I used to be a drug dealer in Brooklyn." Nothing like a bit of authenticity to make a work come alive!
Still plugging away, kinda sorta, on that 100 stories. # 67 and 68 are unfinished/underdeveloped drafts from a forms & techniques class I took with Robert Boswell back at NMSU. Will find the stories that are there. I need to research 15 of the stories, but I'm hoping for a mass mailing, say 40-45, by March, many, yes, to print journals.
I'm still working on my hair so the pic for the Amazon shorts program is still on hold but the guy I spoke to there said that once a writer is in the program, he/she is in the program, so the story is still accepted and I would love to send another, but I'd feel kind of dumb sending a second or a third when I haven't completed the process for the first.
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