Friday, August 29, 2008

Wow! I think McCain just blew it

He picked a woman for his vp???????????????????????????????


This country for all it's talk about equality and stuff does not want a woman running it. I have this theory on how all the systems--the educational system, the legal system, the justice system, the entertainment system, etc -- all bolster the founding ideas of this country WHICH WERE BASED ON THE DESIRES OF WHITE MEN and women don't readily fit into the picture as true co-workers.

She was a beauty queen contestant-- that's what one story had to say about her??? See how trivial that is. Did he think women will vote for a woman just 'cause she's a woman? Hillary supporters will not run to her-- she's pro life, pro guns-- I would think Hillary supporters weren't thinking of the shared vagina as much as the shared values.

Like I said previously, I just like watching from the sidelines. This is truly a historic and interestingly crazy race for the presidency.

Time for me to go pop some more popcorn.


Anonymous said...

I don't know; I think you may be off the mark here.

There are a lot, and I mean a LOT of angry and disenfranchised Hillary voters. People who said they'd vote for McCain just because they were pissed about ol' H not getting picked for nominee or VP. This will encourage them.

Then there are a lot of folks who are angry because he picked Biden. And yes, they are happy that Obama is 'new' and 'different' (even gets clothes 50% cleaner!), but his pick was straight up 'Old-Boy, buddy-buddy' system. Folks are getting angrier as we speak.

Add to that the fact that her youth balances out McCain's old, and that she is known as a reformer, with executive (vs. legislative) experience, and that she is charismatic, and we may be going somewhere.

Then again, maybe McCain just thinks that she's hot. LOL

This is gonna be interesting.

GJM said...
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GJM said...

I agree that Obama hasn't stuck with his "change" idea; picking Hillary would've, in my opinion, not offered change, though it would have appeased a great many "angry" women. But I don't think I'm wrong about the Hillary supporters, there are some that will vote GOP but not because they supported Hillary, they supported the idea of a woman candidate.

Feminist believe in a woman's right to her body and McCain's choice doesn't represent that demographic.

I think McCain is just throwing in the towel or yes, doing the Hail Mary pass. If he wanted a women, Condi Rice would have been a more appropriate choice.