Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Are most people crazy or is it just me?

Do people really care that Janet Jackson lost weight? Really are there no more important things in the world that could be featured on the front cover of a magazine?

Is this not America? Can a person say what he/she wants? People who diss the Dixie Chicks are dumb, dumb, dumb. It was just a comment-- how much space in your head is your brain not occupying??????? People who hold onto ideas (like supporting a very dumb president when there is no evidence that he's deserving of such) in such rigid ways annoy the hell out of me.

Did Brad and Angelina hook up during the making of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith"? Is Angelina a homewrecker? I mean there was that thing with Laura Dern and Billy Bob. . . Do people have too much time on their hands? I hit a link to an online story about the new baby 'cause I love hearing about new babies and there was a message board accompanying and it was just CRAZY!! Really, people get a life. Go create one. Brad and Angelina are giving you no thought. They're busy creating a life-- together-- whether you or Jennifer like it or not.

But for the record: Britney's gotten just what she deserved. He had a pregnant girlfriend when he hooked up with you, sweetie. Can you say "no integrity"? Maybe you should call Whitney up and ask how she copes with a loafer/loser of a husband -- oh, well, maybe not. . .

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