Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How I found a copy of Opal Mehta, almost bought it and wasted my money

Two copies in the "New Fiction" section at Hastings. I was surprised and asked if the books were supposed to be returned. The book clerk put something in the computer and said, "No, they're for sale."

Hmmmm, buy one or not?


On Sunday, there's one copy. I ask the book clerk (a different one) can the book still be ordered. She checks and says no, adds that it's odd that they have this one copy. Ditto. I have the book held.

Hmmmm, return and buy it or not? (Could be the last one available) Ultimately, decide against it. I'd flipped through and scanned the work and I just didn't "get" all the praise.

I didn't get all the praise being heaped on Packer's "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere" or Danticat's "The Dew Breaker" but I know that that's just me. There's evidently talent there with Packer and Danticat. How Kaavya Viswanathan pulled down (temporarily, of course) half a mil with her "writing talent" is beyond me.

No collector's value in it for me either. In terms of literary scandals, I'd rather have Brad Vice's former O'Connor winner.

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