Monday, September 20, 2010

Just when you think it can't get any better

I got the house I wanted!! Time to buy more bookshelves!!!

I have an interview for possibly doing afterschool tutoring and the pay starts around 30 bucks an hour, and you tutuor for 1 and 1/2, as many days as you want.

My pay has been straightened out-- the tax withoholding, my pay scale, the hours I've taught (I am almost an asst. prof.) I should see about $300 more a month in my bank acct. YES!!!!!

I met a man this weekend who was obviously sent to give me a message and I received it and well, Life is taking on a whole new glow for that and all other besides.


Anonymous said...

Cool and congrats! :-)

J. Adams said...


GJM said...
