Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Calling all writers

Info via an online poet's group I belong to:

An intriguing invitation from Debra Leigh Scott, who writes:

I'm a local writer and playwright as well as the Founding Director of
Hidden River Arts, the non-profit literary arts organization here in
Philadelphia (www.hiddenriverarts .org)
I have recently agreed to produce a Book Channel for New Century TV
(www.newcenturytv. com), which is an online tv station in development
here locally. The two founding principals of the station are two of
the men who were behind the earliest development of CD now....and for
anyone who remembers that far back, you know that CD now was one of
the original music promotion sites that changed the face of the music
industry. Book Channel is putting a call out for all writers of
fiction and nonfiction. NCTV is offering a free filming of all
interested writers reading from their material for the purpose of
posting it on the new channel. The posting is also FREE. There is no
cost to the writers for this AT ALL. This channel is dedicated to
presenting the work of writers, both published and unpublished, both
established and emerging. Our goal is to offer a new venue to
writers who are interested in promoting their work. We will link the
video to their websites, their bookseller
es and any other link that will help them to further promote their
work and their booksales.

The channel is still in development; this is a brand new venture. My
goal with this is to do for writers what MTV did for musicians back
in the 80s. I am hoping that we can develop a whole new arena of
possibility for writers, the way that musicians and filmmakers have
developed the internet for promotion and PR purposes.

Anyone interested in taking advantage of the free filming should
contact me at debraleighscott@ Please include your
contact information: name, email address, address, telephone number,
any publication experience, writing experience/backgrou nd information
and anything else you want to tell me about the material you are
interested in reading (I would ask that you submit about 5 pages of a
writing sample for review). Anyone who already has video of
themselves presenting their material should also contact me. We'd be
happy to talk with you about NCTV as a venue for your material.
Again, this is free. I am hoping for a huge response to this because
it's a win/win situation for cost and 24/7 online

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Debra Leigh Scott
Producer, the Book Channel
New Century TV


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