Friday, October 21, 2005

Working at my writing,

though I'm not really writing.

I'm reading and working "The Artist Way"-- esp. doing the morning pages. Also doing exercises from various other books on writing so I can stretch my ability.

Seeing droplets of success. I've been working on a revision of a flash work but it was missing a line, that line that defines the work, spins the storyline and finally it's come to me. Hallelujah!


A recent acceptance-- cross that work off my submission list

Poetry chapbook to a press currently reading

Fiction chapbook to contest

Short story collection to Iowa Prize

Seven stories to four contests. One in limbo-- didn't get it finished as originally hoped/thinking Nov 1 will get here before I get it done:(

Sent for application for grant from Money for Women, which funds female writers

Need to get work ready for Santa Fe Writing Project

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