Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A new online magazine

Swill went live today. You can find it at http://www.swillmagazine.com/ (I'm too lazy to provide the direct link.)

They had solicted work from me for their first issue but I procrastinate. They are currently looking for work for Issue 2 so maybe you and me both can get in there.

Russell Bittner is there. I'll be meeting him (hopefully) when I get to Brooklyn and Corey Mesler is in there.

Quite frequently, I'll find myself published at the same time in the same publications as Corey Mesler . Sometimes I think he's following me.

Although I read (when we were both poets of the week at Poetry Super Highway) that he was going to have SIX (!!!!) chapbooks published this year.

Hmmm, maybe I'm following him, hoping to learn something--HA!

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