Thursday, August 24, 2006

Summer's ending and that means

that I've got to get to Walmart and buy up any ice cream mixes, probably now on clearance.

I need them for my snow party.

What's that, you ask.

It's semi-homemade ice cream and hot chocolate and hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks while the snow piles up and then it's snowmen and snow angels and frolicking. . . followed by more ice cream and hot chocolate while you drip dry.

I'm almost back on track; I can see the end of this fork in the road I've been on and I should be in New England just in time for the white stuff coming down!

Will I invite you?

Well, hell, of course. Bring your mittens. I've been living in the desert and I've never had the chance to be in a snowball fight.


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